The current mood of at
*-*Take My Music Choices Survery Pretty Please*-*

:: war story ::
Feb. 04, 2003 at 1:03 a.m.

Do me a favor and read through my entries with the bottom part of my alternate fields where I list a different song, movie/tv and highlight at the bottom of my entries back til December 07, 2002 11:00pm, please? Just read the bottom parts backwards and see what you think...I need feedback pretty please F*** THE F***ING F***ERS COPYRIGHT 2000 DORKNOODLE AND SISTERCOOKIE.

THE POLITE VERSION IS (I think it works especially if you pronounce it like STAB - lol):


I am very concerned about dorknoodle. He is so stressed because of being sick which is making him really freak which I do understand. I am just trying to do the best I can to get him to focus on doing cool stuff like music, movies, art, etc. Everything dorknoodle and I do together is in my memories which helps me to keep going even when I feel like I want to die. But I keep my mind on seeing dorknoodle again because in my mind he is artistic genius simply by having me as his audience. See in my mind I could see Dorknoodle as a independent movie director or writer or both. I see his potential if he had the right resources. But even if he does nothing but contributes to my life he saves my life by being here. Nobody has ever treated me with such respect. Dorknoodle is my inspiration to keep enduring this horrible existence because he shows me there is somehow something worth seeing.

If anybody reads this I would really like to know. I feel alone right now worried about my family and friends getting through this financial stress time.

Can anybody explain the math of George W. Bush? Can anybody explain how the president can both give tax cuts and fund a war at the same time?

What I don't understand is if the United States is resourceful then why don't we utilize technology. I mean can't we use robots. Thousands of robots. I mean do we really want to see another Hiroshima. NO! Just throw american culture on them. I don't see the Islamic people in America running back to be in Iraq. Its not islamic its a bunch of power hungry evil bastards much like Enron but with weapons. Why doesn't the United States take all the best brains and put them together to out think Iraq. I mean it seems so ridiculous. Surround the damn country. Take out its resources. Shut it down. Don't go to war go straight to diarming them using robots and technology. Don't be stupid. Please.

Tush - ZZ Top (I just feel like this sometimes, like you want company)
Discovery Channel - Human Beings because there are at least 2 species close to human from 3 million years ago
Any suggestions?

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