The current mood of at
*-*Take My Music Choices Survery Pretty Please*-*

:: Biopsy Cancelled ::
Dec. 07, 2002 at 11:00 p.m.

Deba5er's last two entries are great. But its just me.

dorknoodle's biopsy got delayed and so goes on my concern over his well being. But its just life.

Some of you may not understand or even be old enough but I was listening to

Dead Milkment's "Instant Club Hit" aka "You'll Dance to Anything".

3 Doors Down "Duck And Run" lyrics:

This world cannot bring me down because I am already there.

When your viewpoint of the world is that it sucks and you are only 2 its sort of hard to overcome this point of view even a couple of decades later.

See what people don't understand is that if they are being nice to me I just assume they are lying but I still like to hear it because you can pretend in your imagination that its true. It may be true but I am too cynical to believe it.

Frank Black - Pray for the Girls idea that I had a dream last night and...

See its really stupid because when a guy asks what can I do to make you happy, I am like clean the house, do the dishes, give me a backrub, rub my feet, etc. Of course he means "in bed". But as long as he understands that my needs are more diverse he can get his needs met as well. Doesn't anybody understand the need for a backrub or a neckrub? I need a nap, a break, downtime, relaxation, etc. A hug. But usually its "you did this wrong" or its the end of the world. Believe me if it was the end of the world I wouldn't be sitting here on my computer. I would be out doing heavy drugs or something more dangerous since I am going to die anyway. I mean if you are going to die its too heavy on your mind sometimes anyway so you need to just escape. But if you are planning to live a long life until at least 50, I would suggest that you stay away from strong drugs and strong liquor which if you continue doing into your late 20s more than likely your life won't be going well. But that just my opnion. Drink Beer, Smoke Pot but don't do heroim, coke, crack, exstasy, etc. The problem with most drugs is that they are cut so they are combined with other stuff and you don't know what that stuff is. If you need to medicate your pain, please at least if you can try to get some help. If you can make yourself stronger than your load won't seem so heavy. Actually just realising you have a problem is more than most people ever do so even if you never do anything about it at least don't lie.

My biggest advice to everyone is do not stress yourself about the bullshit like telemarketers, bad customer service, idiots who can't drive, etc. Concentrate on the basics like food, shelter and clothing. There is no standard of living when you are at the level of just surviving. Do you think the caveman had time to keep up fashion or living up to someone else's expectations? So take care of the basics as the human race has always tried to do and stop worrying about the bullshit because its always going to be there trying to bring you down, take over your mind, making you insecure.

This is just my brain if you don't agree with anything said well "Tough".

If you think its bad now, it can get worse so just try to get through it and hope that things improve. It really doesn't make any difference if you are a genius if you have no place to live or you are starving or both.

3 Doors Down - Duck And Run
Wild Life starring David Byrne,Talking Heads and Talking Heads music

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